Time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, years… All seem so vital to our life. Some more than others. What is a second to us versus an hour? Versus a year? Our time. So precious. Created by humans it gives us understanding. Understanding to where we are within our lives.
In a cyclical sense we often don’t think about time. Our day in and out routines and schedules just provide us a basis of comfort within our days. Check off the to do list, attend your daily activities, eat, work, visit with friends…
However in a linear sense it holds a greater meaning. Where will I be in a year, five years, fifty years? What will I have accomplished by then? What will my life be like at that point? When will it all end?
The real understanding comes when both are incorporated together. When you’re able to go about your cyclical routine of time with an understanding of it as a linear concept. To realize how your time right now will impact your time later on. To realize and appreciate how you’re spending it towards what you want later in life along your timeline here on earth. To realize the impact even your smallest of accomplishments and work has on your life. And to realize no matter how much importance you place on your time you truly don’t know when it will cease to be. And thus replace that importance with presence.